Orlando, Florida

Thursday, September 29, 2011 - Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A trip home to run the Wine and Dine Half Marathon! And to take part in the Food and Wine Festival as well!

Went to Epcot on Sunday (had a Radeberger at FW Brewer's Collection - 12oz, $6.25).

Trip Notes:

We flew AirTran flight 1400, ROC-->MCO; depart ROC 12:13PM, arrive MCO 2:48PM; Jill sat in seat 26C, Tim sat in seat 26A. Departed gate A2.

We flew AirTran flight 1401, MCO-->ROC; depart MCO 3:00PM, arrive ROC 5:35PM; Jill sat in seat 24C, Tim sat in seat 24A.