Rochester and New York, New York

Saturday, September 29, 2012 - Sunday, September 30,2012

Well here's a crazy one! We left home around 7AM on Saturday morning, making our way to Genesee Valley Park in Rochester. Mike was running in the McQuaid Invitational, a long standing (48 years strong) cross country meet. Mike PR'd at the race, coming in at 24:07! Afterwards, we went to Joe's Crab Shack for lunch. Joe's has quickly become our traditional eatery post race in the Rochester area!

Here's the crazy part of the weekend - from Rochester we made our way to New York City! Yep, New York City. We were running the Tunnel to Towers on Sunday morning, our second year in a row taking part in this great event! We stopped at Tim Horton's in Cortland, and a CVS in the Town of Chenango along the way, arriving in New York late evening (8:00ish I would say). Jill scored us a great hotel in Battery City right near the finish line, festivities, and shuttle pick up. The Hotel Conrad is one of the nicest places we've stayed in the NYC area, and one we could definitely return to if we had the chance!

After settling in at the hotel, we were off in search of dinner. The Grub Streeters led us to Da Mikele where we had a great meal. Good food, great use of the space. We walked back to the hotel afterwards to get some sleep.

Woke up Sunday morning and took the shuttle bus from the finish area to the IKEA in Brooklyn. Walked back to the start and waited for the run to begin. Overall, this is a wonderful event. Lots of support. Lots of rememberances. One I'm very glad we had to opportunity to do again. Finished up the run and hung out at the post race festivities for a bit, although it was very, very crowded; because of that we went upstairs, showered, packed up, and headed out to find some lunch. (before doing that though we stopped and listened to Gary Sinese and the Lt Dan Band for a song or two)

Mike wanted to hit up Southern Hospitality, a fav BBQ place of ours in the city. This time around we went to a different location - near Times Square. While waiting for a table none other than Darryl Strawberry walked by us on his way out! My jaw hit the floor! I'm sure I freaked him out a little! LOL! Had a good lunch, stopped at Pinkberry up the street, then back to the car. On our way through New Jersey we stopped at the Jefferson Diner for some dinner and a to go dessert! Mike even got his picture taken in front of the Guy Fieri Camaro that was parked out front! Home afterwards, arriving here around 8:00 on Sunday night.

Total Mileage: 688 Miles

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Page Last Updated: October 3, 2012