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Foxboro, Massachusetts

Thursday, August 11, 2005 - Friday, August 12, 2005

This was an overnight trip to watch the DCI Quarterfinals at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, Massachusetts. Left Binghamton on Thursday morning and drove straight through to the stadium. Watched the competition, which started at 2:30 and ended around 10:30. Drove as far as West Warick, Rhode Island and spent the night at a SpringHill Suites. On Friday, we went to Mystic and Noank Connecticut, stopping to do some shopping and sightseeing in Mystic, and then had lunch at Abbott's Lobster in the Rough in Noank. Headed home after that. Had thoughts of stopping to watch the Hudson Valley Renegades play, but a bad rain storm made us change our minds. This storm was as bad as the one we drove through in Erie earlier this year, but thankfully didn't last as long. Had dinner at the Smokey Bones in Scranton before completing the trip home.

Drum Corps International Quarterfinals Results

1 The Cadets 98.050
2 The Cavaliers 96.500
3 Phantom Regiment 95.275
4 Blue Devils 94.225
5 Madison Scouts 92.525
6 Bluecoats 92.400
7 Boston Crusaders 89.425
8 Carolina Crown 89.350
9 Santa Clara Vanguard 87.675
10 Blue Knights 87.400
11 Glassmen 87.125
12 Spirit from JSU 85.625
13 Crossmen 83.125
14 Colts 82.975
15 Capital Regiment 79.925
16 Southwind 79.525
17 Mandarins 78.550
17 Seattle Cascades 78.550
19 Pacific Crest 77.250
20 Esperanza 76.200
21 The Magic 75.975
22 Troopers 71.675
23 Pioneer 71.525
24 Kiwanis Kavaliers 68.600

Home of the DCI Quarterfinals

Jill in Foxboro

Tim getting ready for the competition to start

The 'Famous' Mystic Pizza!

An absolutely AWESOME place for lunch!

And VERY filling!

Tim being attacked by a GIANT LOBSTER!!! (well, not really, but it looks good eh?)

Total Miles: 690 Miles

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Page Last Updated: November 9, 2010