Barre, Vermont

Friday, March 13, 2009 - Sunday, March 15, 2009

So, here was a first for all of us - a bus trip with the hockey team! The team that Mike was on this season had a 'tradition' of renting a bus at the end of the season, and taking a trip to Vermont for a tournament there. This was their fourth year doing so, and we got to tag along this time!

The tournament was in Barre, Vermont. The game schedule was:

  • Friday, March 13th at 5:50PM versus Chazy Flyers
  • Saturday, March 14th at 9:05AM versus MassConn Braves
  • Saturday, March 14th at 1:05PM versus Barre Blades
  • Sunday morning in semi-final game
  • Sunday afternoon in championship game

Total Mileage: 638 Miles

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Page Last Updated: October 28, 2010, 2010