Albany, New York

Saturday, January 14, 2012 - Sunday, January 15, 2012

Weekend trip to the state capital for a couple of Jr Sens game, with an Albany Devils game sandwiched in between. Left on Saturday, with a stop on our way up 88 at Brooks BBQ in Oneonta (of course!). Straight to the Times-Union in Albany (great parking spot right across the street!). Both games this weekend were against the Troy-Albany Jr Engineers, with the goalies splitting both games. The Devils organization had a great setup for the game at Times-Union, including the nameplates in the players lockers, a great game announcer, and even the game broadcast on the video board!

After the game, we made a very cold walk to Jillian's which was right down the street from the Times-Union. Had a post game pizza party there, before making our way back to the Times-Union for the Albany Devils versus Syracuse Crunch game.

Saturday night, we at a Hampton Inn close to the rink - within walking distance of all we had done that day, if it weren't so damn cold!

Sunday morning was our second game of the weekend, this time at Freer Park and again versus Troy-Albany. The Jr Sens came away with their second victoy of the weekend, with both goalies again splitting the duties.

After the game we went to Browns Brewing Company in Troy. We had been there on a previous trip and were looking forward to a repeat performance. After lunch, and a quick stop at Kemp's and Fleet Feet, we headed home arriving back in Binghamton late afternoon/early evening.

Total Mileage: 286 Miles

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Page Last Updated: February 13, 2012